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What my son said that made me not want to buy this house

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

Well...hello and welcome to my first blog post for Amber & Oak. I am not sure how you found Amber & Oak, but I am glad you did. My name is Jodi McComb and I am obsessed with interior design, renovations and pretty little things. This website and blog is something I have hoped to do for a few years and I am finally doing it! I'm done with wishing for things to happen. Nothing will happen unless you put forth effort to make it a reality...right?

Anyways blah blah blah...lets get to the reason you really clicked on this blog post....what did that kid say?? I was in the middle of the divorce process and looking to buy a home for myself. I wasn't sure what I could afford honestly and it was a scary thought to think of myself out there on my own financially supporting two kids. I was thinking a multi-family property would work for me but several offers fell through and I was emotionally at the end of my rope. Then this place was an off market opportunity that peaked my interest... I right? Who would buy this place? ME!!!!! When my son saw this place for the first time (he was 10 years old at the time) he actually said he wouldn't visit me if I bought this place!!! OMG. Kids say the worst things. It made me cry my face off, but I shook it off, and bought it anyways. I knew that wasn't true of course and I decided to just go for it.

Man....look at all this work that needed to be done...jeez! I must have been crazy!

The Kinderhook duplex is just that....a duplex. Side by side. The left side is the tenant side (A) and the right side is (B) where I reside. I wasn't planning on staying in this house permanently... I was unrealistically thinking I could whip this baby into shape in a year or two and then move on to my dream home. Things don't work out that way. Never the way you hope....and budgets...hello?

However, the #Kinderhookduplex is in an awesome location. Walking distance to the farmers market and a couple cute restaurants. Historical buildings everywhere. Really, really a special place. The tenant side was complete after just 8 months of blood sweat and tears. I was able to rent it out for almost double what the appraiser estimated when I first purchased the house. Which, I truly consider an extraordinary accomplishment!

Before and after photos will be coming up in more blog posts. For now, just wanted to say hey and welcome to Amber & Oak!

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